You may be experiencing what I, for lack of a better term, refer to as the "Sunday Problem." On three of the last four Sunday's, mythfilldatabase was unable to obtain any new data from Zap2It. On two of those three occasions, the data was available by the Monday request time; on one occasion no new data was available until Tuesday. Since the data shows up eventually, I have decided simply not to worry about it.

Scot L. Harris wrote:

The mythtv system has been working great the past week or so.

Mythtv 0.17 from ATRPMS and Jarod's guide on an FC3 system using PVR-350
and a PVR-250.

In the mythweb interface under the backend status I noticed the
following under Machine information:

Disk Usage: * Total Space: 1042,336 MB * Space Used: 382,265 MB * Space Free: 660,071 MB

This machine's load average: * 1 Minute: 0.02
* 5 Minutes: 0.02
* 15 Minutes: 0

Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2005-03-28 03:02 and ended on
2005-03-28 03:02. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data
into the Guide. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.
There's guide data until 2005-04-08 22:00 (11 days).
DataDirect Status: Your subscription expires on 05/17/05 03:06:14

My question is regarding what appears to be a warning above that
mythfilldatabase ran but did not insert any new data into the Guide. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.

However the guide appears to be working just fine.  Is this a possible
bug or an actual problem?


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