On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 04:39:41 +0300, Mika Saari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   Done this so far: Dropped the mythconverg database, compiled the 0.17
> (CVS) and ran the myth-setup. In the myth-setup I managed to run the
> Full Search for channels (didn't find all of the channels but few of
> them from one of the channel chunks). To verify the hw & driver
> functionality I tested dvbscan & xine dvb:// combination -> all channels
> were found and watchable.
>   Channels the 0.17 myth-setup found are fully watchable, but the ones
> it didn't find I can not add by hand (not with myth-setup). Any tips how
> I could add those missing channels to 0.17 by hand ?
>   Thank you very much for the information,
>     -Mika


You should be able to edit and update the channels table directly in
the mythconverg database. I would recommend using a web-based database
frontend (for each of use) such as phpMySQL to edit the database - it
will also let you save and restore the database or individual tables
in case you run into problems.

If you run dvbscan and dump the results into a file, you can then use
the channel settings (or just insert the settings contained in your
old pre-0.17 db) and the new channels should then be usable.

When changes are made to the database manually, remember you should
restart the backend process so that the changes can take effect.

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