On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 13:25:40 -0800 (PST), Paul B. Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I'm building a box in which I intend to install three AIR2PC cards. I asked
> earlier in a posting with some other questions if there were any limits on
> how many AIR2PC cards would work in a system, but having received no
> response to that aspect of the posting thought I would try one more time
> with a dedicated question.
> The HD3000 is documented as supporting at most 4 cards per system. I've
> seen no such information about the AIR2PC, and would like to verify that 3
> cards will work in a system, in particular in PCI slots that have shared
> IRQs, before buying the motherboard.

You can have up to 6.

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