On Sun, 27 Mar 2005, Chris Pinkham wrote:

> > Within the first week that you introduced the ALL method, detection was
> > simply amazing.  I have never seen it work so well.
> >
> > Then I saw a message from you saying that you had to loosen up the
> > concept of "black".  After that, detection really took a hit.  Ever
> > since then it is not that much better than it was before you add the ALL
> > method.
> Thanks, this is helpful, thanks.
> With the new ALL method, the "Strict Commercial Detection" setting wasn't
> being used, so I just committed a change to CVS to use it in the blank-frame
> detection code to allow reverting to the stricter black-frame detection that 
> was
> put into CVS when I first added the ALL method.  If you are using "ALL" and 
> you
> don't have "Strict Commercial Detection" turned ON, can you try turning that 
> ON
> and seeing if it helps detection for you?

Now that I have my system working again, I gave this a try.  My impression
is positive.  I believe that this has helped quite a bit.

I need to go back and re-flag the shows with "Strict Commercial Detection"
turned OFF to make a proper comparison.  I will let you know after I have
the time to do that.

Thank you very much!


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