My don't you use Xine instead of mplayer?  It has support for DVD
menus which is sweet.  It also is a lot easier to configure for AC3 or
any sort of audio out.  I just tell it to use PassThrough for all my
audio and it gets thrown out in AC3 for DVDs and PCM for everything
else.  Just make sure your asound.conf (or .asound) is correct.  I had
inadvertantly commented out a line and mplayer worked fine, but Xine
wouldn't pass out audio.  It's all working swizzle now.

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:04:44 -0800, Richard Sears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Everyone -
> I know that there 'appears' to be issues around watching DVD's
> (actual, physical DVDs) under MythTV,  but I cannot seem to put my
> finger on the resolution.
> I know I need some typs of decoder or codec to allow MPlayer (and
> hench Myth) the ability to watch DVDs just like I do with my Denon DVD
> player.
> Can someone point me in the right direction for the best solution.
> Thanks
> --
> ******************************************
> Richard J. Sears
> Vice President
> American Internet Services
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> from the tyranny of petty things . .
> "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've
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