I have a PVR-250 that I bought through Ebay and it is sitting in my
backend box.  FC3 installed using APT.  Kernel = 2.6.10-1.760 I
believe.  The problem is, I notice poor sound quality when recording
off of this card.  It's not STATICY per se (well maybe), but it
doesn't sound as loud/good as a recording done on my PVR-350 card.  I
can switch back and forth between the live feed from cable and my
MythBox and there is a HUGE difference.  You know when you have a tape
recording that you turn up REALLY loud between songs.  You can hear
that same staticy noise behind the audio for the TV show (Dukes of
Hazzard if you must know :-)~ ).  The thing is, the "static" isn't
constant, but only when there is sound coming from the show.  If no
one is talking, no cars jumping etc, there is no static.  I am REALLY
hoping there isn't anything wrong with the card.  The backend
originally had the 350 in it, then I added the 250 a couple weeks
later.  In the setup of it, I ran the commands from Jarod's website:

# /usr/bin/ivtvctl -u 0x3000
# /usr/bin/ivtvctl -p 4
# /usr/bin/ivtvctl -f width=720,height=480

Is there anything else I should have done?  I setup the tuner in
modprobe.conf to be:

options ivtv tuner=47,50

The tuner for the second card was listed out, but could it be possible
that the wrong one is listed?  Could that cause this sound issue?  Do
I have a bad card?  Thanks!
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