I'm not overclocked.  I took the case off last night and was planning
to do as you suggest - run that way with another fan to help air it
out.  As an additional data point, the other night while trying to
troubleshoot this I shut the box down to pull a card and then
re-inserted a few minutes later.  When the box came back up (some
10-15 minutes later), everything worked like a charm.  Maybe this
overheat thing is the trick.  I'll let you know.

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:06:11 -0800, Alan Hagge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael,
> 55c IS quite hot.  You're not overclocking are you?  If possible, can
> you experment with ways to cool that CPU better, possibly with any/all of:
>    * Underclocking your CPU (run it at 2.0-2.2 GHz, for example)
>    * Different CPU cooler
>    * Different case fan
>    * Taking off the case cover and turning a small desktop fan to blow
>      across the mobo/CPU
> (all at your own risk, of course!)
> Then re-try some of your operations that caused failure.
> Also, look for things like too-aggressive memory settings (CAS 2 when
> your memory needs CAS-3, for example).
> Good luck!
> Alan
> Michael Haan wrote:
> >Ok, I've gotten more of those messages when the box didn't freeze so
> >i'm thinking they're not related.  Any chance this could be happening
> >when the box gets too hot?  It only seems to happen when we're watch a
> >recording or live tv.  Often this means the box is recording a new
> >show, commercial flagging one that has just completed and also playing
> >back whatever we're watching.  The CPU does run a little hot (55c),
> >but still significantly lower than the max (70c).
> >
> >
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