Assuming your system timezone (TZ) variable is set correctly,
you shouldn't need to do anything for the time shift.  Doesn't
matter if NTP is running or not, as it internally works on UTC time only.

To the user who changed their system clock to UTC manually, unless
you override the TZ variable for mythtv, you could be heading for trouble
by trying to out-smart the already smart system.


On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Chris Clarke wrote:

> Hi All,
>     Hoping for some quick guidance on this, I've got myth up and
> running and all is good.  I'm going away for a couple days starting
> tomorrow and I won't be back until tuesday or wednesday.  Is Daylight
> Savings Time going to screw anything up for me?  Should I set the
> backend computer to re-boot early Sunday morning?
> TIA,
> Chris
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