>When you view the details of a particular channel in mythsetup, there should
>be a checkbox that says something like 'use on-air guide'. Just make sure
>that it's enabled - you also need to make sure that the setting for 'use dvb
>card on demand' is set to off - i.e. the backend always has access to the
>dvb card.

>You might have to restart the backend now. Then it's just a case of waiting
>- within five mins or so, you're guide data will just magically appear. No
>need to run mythfilldatabase etc - so take it out of the mythfrontend
>configuration or any cronjobs that you might have setup.

Correct me if I'm wrong.. But disenabling 'use dvb card on demand' causes the dvb card(s) to run hot all the time, and that is not good for a quiet, long lasting system. At least this was the case down 0.15.

  • Sami Röppänen
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