I have a recording from last night, a movie, that started at 12:35am
and ended at 3:24am. Now, of course, this falls over the time change.

Now, after successfully viewing the recording, I am unable to delete
it. It's like the frontend and backend are interpreting the
recording's length differently.

The backend log shows:

2005-04-03 11:18:54.987 ERROR when trying to delete file: /store/1002_2005040300
3500_20050403034000.nuv. File doesn't exist.  Database metadata will
not be removed.

Now, obviously, this means it thinks there's no file there. And
indeed, that isn't the name of the recording:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/store$ ls 1002*

But how come the frontend (which is on the same machine as the
backend) can see the recording with no problems?

I presume that if I rename the file(s) to match what the backend
wants, then it will delete them. But I'd like to know why there's a
discrepancy in the first place.

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