On Apr 3, 2005, at 12:35 PM, Andrew McNabb wrote:
Okay.  I think I know for sure what the exact problem is.  We count the
number of seconds from Jan 1, 1970 to the GMT time of the program.
Since QT fixed their secsTo bug, they're now taking into account the
time zone.  That means that when the GMT time of a show is after the
daylight savings time transition, our number of seconds to the start of
the program is off by an hour.

That's why everyone's programs started breaking yesterday. If your time
zone is 6 hours away from GMT, then you'll start having shows be off for
an hour right around 8:00 (6 hours before 2:00).

I'm not familiar enough with QT to offer a fix.  Do they provide any
DateTime functions that deal with GMT differently than local time?

I've come to the same conclusion. I've temporarily fixed mine by changing line 78 in datadirect.cpp from:

 int timesecs = basedt.secsTo(UTCdt);


int timesecs = basedt.secsTo(UTCdt) + 3600;   // add one hour

Times are all correct now.


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