On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 11:51:11PM +0100, Mark Smith wrote:
> You might be able to do that, but it would be at the expense of losing
> vertical resolution.
> The best way to solve it is to add a DisplaySize line to your xorg.conf file
> to specify a display size with an aspect ration of 16:9. Something like:
> DisplaySize 400 225
> Myth will then output 16:9 to fill the screen and 4:3 with vertical black
> bars either side.

Thanks; you're right. I trided that anyway and got it working on
Saturday. Once I put it my TV size (DisplaySize 660 370), turned off
aspect ratio override in Myth and put the TV in zoom mode, it works
fine. (Without zoom on the TV, it thinks it's a 4:3 picture and
everybody's thin; zoom stretches it horizontally to fill the screen.)

Only problem is my GUI fonts are now tiny (in mythfrontend, gdm etc).
But that's been discussed here before and so I'll check the archives.

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