I added a bunch of stable apt repositories.  But that's about it.
I think I've tracked down the problem to FC2/alsa/libasound 
issues.  I'm just going to make the jump to FC3...


>>> "Jim Oltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/03/05 9:21 PM >>>
Did you do anything do your installation of APT?  I didn't think they
were distributing the 2.6.11 kernel yet.


> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/02/05 9:55 PM >>>
> > I've got a myth box (fc2, kernel 2.6.10-1.770_fc2) that I had
> > upgraded mytht to 0.17 via apt-get for the latest release a
> > while back.  It's been working great, but I decided I'd move
> > up the box with an apt-get dist-upgrade.
> >
> > Big mistake.  Now I get no video out of the s-video port on my
> > FX-5200.  I only get blue screen.  Right after I did the apt-get
> > dist-upgrade, I rebooted, went with the default kernel and
> > when X windows came up, the screen turned blue.  I only have
> > an s-video device (TV)  available at home right now, so I have
> > no idea if there's output on the VGA out.
> >
> > What can I do short of going out and buying a monitor
> > to see if the VGA out has something going on?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paul
> I know I'm replying to my own thread, but I see that someone
> else is having a problem that looks close to mine...
> Death by apt-get:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/122483 
> I'm able to boot because I'm still using the default in the
> grub.conf (2.6.10-1.770_FC2), but there is a newer one
> in the grub.conf (2.6.11-0.3.rdt.rhfc2.ccrmasmp)
> I'm not willing to try to change to the newer kernel because
> at least right now I can ssh in to the box.  This is
> a single proc p4  machine.
> This is killing me - I was looking forward to watching Autoweek
> and then the 2 NCAA games at 2x...
> Thanks,
> Paul
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