Dan White wrote:

I have a Formac Studio TVR

and I love it.  Hardware encoding, built in TV tuner, analog to digital
converter (audio and video).

The problem is the PVR-ish software.

It has a built in scheduler, but you have to either hand enter everything
or rely on a bogus service called TitanTV (http://www.titantv.com) for
programming info.

I have missed several shows due to TitanTV's inaccurate schedule and I am
looking for alternatives.

It occurs to me that MythTV has all the "pieces" I need for a replacement.

I am interested in the EPG and recording scheduling portions.  I believe I
can code the part to plug this into the actual hardware.

Anyone interested ?

Yes, for sure. I have one as well. It is only used to transcode Video onto a Mac. I would love to attach it to my PC and use MythTV with it. That would make it three tuners on Myth!!!

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