On Apr 5, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Jarod Wilson wrote:

On Tuesday 05 April 2005 14:14, Dan Littlejohn wrote:
Maybe a third list should get created - mythtv-newbie

Then folks would not be afraid to ask "I have no idea how to do this /
off topic questions" without shame.  This would help the community by
helping newbies learn how to fix their boxes and people could be
directed off this list there that ask those questions.  I know I
myself would use it.  There are other lists, but people know stuff
here and that is gold.

The big problem with a -newbie list is this: who's going to answer the
questions? Its kinda like the blind leading the blind. I think Isaac is on
the money: people need to read before posting. I don't suggest reading all
your Myth email before posting (because there's a lot), but everyone, please
search the mailing list archive before posting! That should head off things
like 100 different Qt-highlighted-button threads.

I know I have a hard time keeping up on this list. I also have a hard time doing the google thang with some topics about Myth, probably because there is so much content, you really have to know *exactly* what you are searching for to get any relevant info.

For example, I was trying to get MythWeather animation working. My first attemps at google found many posts about people doing it, but little detail. Even when I new I needed to have a WeatherWantAnimated" setting somewhere, my first search for mythweather and weatherwantanimated had no hits on where to stuff that setting. I had to really tweak my search to find the sql I was looking for. I then added an entry to the mythtv.info FAQ list with the info.

Before I read this part of this thread, I was thinking of adding one topic per day to the FAQ, as my time allows, with the most repeated question on the list lately. Well, the most common question that I understand the answer enough to write up. Today I did the MythWeather w3.weather.com and animated radar question. Not that it is posted that much, but because I just did it.

I hope the FAQ info on mythtv.info is still being integrated into the real FAQ. I also think the current FAQ is more like an install guide than an FAQ, with the main topic being mostly installation steps, and all the "problems" listed in no particular order in the "Troubleshooting" section.

Would it be worth my time to reorganize the FAQ, is this already being worked on, or is there a more current source of info that is being updated that I am not aware of?


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