On 5 Apr 2005 at 16:59, William wrote:

> I am sure this will get me some more flack from the list but here is my
> opinion anyways. My suggestion is to can that crappy FC3 and backup to FC2.
> I gave up on FC3 after many days of fighting with it (udev sucks) and
> installed Myth on FC2.

How interesting. No flack from this camp...

My experience was exactly opposite to Bill's. I was never able to get a MythTV 
install to 
work on FC2, but FC3 was almost as easy as FC1. I've found success with FC3 on 
or so, I forget) different machines.

Clearly, "Your Mileage May Vary."

I always take it slowly, I follow Jarod's guide exactly so that I can identify 
instructions that don't work for me and provide feedback to Jarod on anything I 
find that 
I feel could make the guide more clear.

My last install was 3 weeks ago and went off without a hitch.

One thing I will pass on... I was trying to get the Packard Bell serial 
receiver to work, 
and I was not finding success. It SHOULD have worked, but just didn't... 
couldn't see 
why. I shut the computer down and went off to another to send feedback to Jarod 
while composing the email, I decided to go back look for error messages in the 
logs. Lo 
and behold, I restarted the computer, tried the remote and it was working. 

Black magic I suppose... the only thing that had happened differently was a 
and restart, but there is no reason that I know of to indicate that that should 
have been 

Marvin Match
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