On Apr 6, 2005 1:05 AM, Ian Truelsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get mythtv to deal with
> DSL. At the moment, every program is showing up one hour early in the
> schedule. I have tried changing the offset in mythsetup to none, auto,
> +1 and -1, and have run mythfilldatabase after every change. I also
> tried restarting the backend and even mysql after each change, but there
> has never been a change. It always shows everything one hour early.
> I am not sure what else to try at this point. Any ideas from anyone?

You may want to check the archives, and be prepared for a heavy flood
of flames.  No offense, but this has been covered very heavilyon the
list this week.  To the point of having the lead developer chatise
these types of messages.
mythtv-users mailing list

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