Ryszard wrote:
i dont mind top posting, i dont really understand what the fuss is
about.  its email, its words and letters, and any quoted words and
letters can be read just as easily if the reply is top or bottom..

perhaps i just dont find it that difficult.

I think the main reason that people make a point of mentioning it is because in a mailing list you don't want a mix of top posters and bottom posters within a thread (take this one as an example).

The main devs here prefer bottom posting, and I think that is mostly because it's conventional in internet posting history (see http://groups.google.com/googlegroups/archive_announce_20.html).

Correct me if I'm wrong somebody, but I believe top posting was introduced (to the mass public anyway) by Microsoft in Outlook Express, and this was much later on in history.

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