On Sat, 2005-04-09 at 00:05 -0400, Byron Poland wrote:
> I've been playing around with getting my cable companies (Comcast, New
> Castle Co. Delaware) QAM "free to air" broadcasts working with my
> HD3000 card using the dvb drivers.  I actuall am able to tune all the
> local HD channels, INHD 1&2 and a lot of simulcast digital std
> content.  The problem is that most of it comes out like crap.  lots of
> continuity errors, audio drop outs, and just lots of problem.  Pretty
> much non watchable.  In looking for channels, I did the tedious
> searching with dvbstream, and spliting up the stream with dtvstream
> (-tsprog in mplayer was unreliable).  In doing this I recorded 15-180
> second chunks and looked at them.  Things were decent at times, but
> still tons of continuity errors.
> <snip>

I'm having similar problems outside of Philadelphia (north of
Pottstown), and I *AM* a digital subscriber.... VLC is reporting
continuity errors on data piped in from the test_dvr app in dvb-apps.
Things will be clear for maybe 30 seconds at a time, max, followed by
burst of MPEG artifacts. I think Comcast's streams in this area might be
hokie. That, or you have to be an HD subscriber for them to get it
right :)


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