On Apr 9, 2005 8:48 AM, Garry Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> {snip]
> > Since he said he's using my doc, chances are he's using ivtv from ATrpms, in
> > which case a simple addition to modules.conf may fix the issue:
> >
> > alias tuner tuner-ivtv
> Yes, ATrpms ivtv, rev.3.2q, IIRC.
> Tried the alias line above, it didn't seem to work, so I gave the box
> a reboot. I've seen some posts stating that PVR 500s need a reboot
> after some changes in order for them to take effect. That's exactly
> what it needed, both tuners on the 500 (/dev/video2 & 3) now work
> great, video and sound.
> However, my PVR 250 on /dev/video1 has lost it's audio. The 250 on
> /dev/video0 still works great. So, I'm going to troubleshoot that
> before adding the 500 to my Myth setup. I think I'll remove the tuner
> line and reload the ivtv module, reboot if necessary, just to be sure
> that something else is not clobbering my audio.
> > But definitely take this to the ivtv list with the tac output, its often
> > fairly obvious from your log output what's going on. (Though another 500 
> > user
> > is having some issues that I can't see an explanation for in his logs)...
> I was hoping not to have to join another list, I have enough trouble
> keeping up with this one, even in gmail. However, I will if necessary.
> I've been searching the archives of that list looking for a solution.

At this point I'm back to my original two tuners. I am about to try
again with the PVR 500. However, there is one thing that I am not sure

How do I determine which card and tuner correspond to /dev/videoX?
Is there a command to verify this, or do I just assume the card
directly below the AGP slot is /dev/video0 and count down from there?
Searching the archives for IRQ sharing did not yield much. I tried
booting with 'noacpi', but this did not seem to help. Any tips on
forcing IRQs?

If I really knew for sure which tuner was having troubles, it might
make this problem easier to track down. Since I had both tuners on the
500 working at one point, while one of the 250s stopped working, I
believe that this is not a driver issue, but a problem with IRQ
resources. It's very similar to an issue that I had with just the two
250s, which I solved by moving one to a different slot.
-- Garry
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