dean collins wrote:

Centralized flagging makes a great idea and whilst a complex project
should be possible.

The musicbrainz reference is a great starting point.

Does MythTV have a centralized bounty system? If so I'll kick it off
with an offer of $100.


The only issue I can really see here comes that this is required that people have to upload their verified commercials. I can forsee that there are many people who would rather be lazy and download this data than upload their own. There would have to be some sort of system to enforce that everyone puts in their own share of data. Perhaps if you use this feature, you are required to hand verify your own results for some pre defined percentage of the shows, and report those.

This also brings up the point that of some shows won't have very much data - say for example a show local only to your area. This predefined percentage should take a look at what shows have the most data being reported, and then take a look at what shows you record. If your shows being recorded don't have very much data, you would be required to submit data for your shows.

What do people think of this?
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