On Apr 11, 2005 2:24 PM, *Matt* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hello All, =D

    Sorry this is long:  For the short version, just read the first two

      I had an idea a few months ago, and just thought I'd throw it out
    there.  I think that mythcommflag is getting better and better.
    However, sometimes there are times it'll goof up, and some shows are
    notroriously harder than others to flag correctly by their unique
    filmographic nature(Lost, Law & Order, CSI, etc...).

    How about a method where users can validate mythcommflag's results and
    make that info available to the myth community to strengthen the
    accuracy of commercial flagging by using verified data.

In a perfect world, all of the commercial breaks would all happen at the same time. Everywhere.

In reality, they do not. Every master cable headend follows a local origination commercial insertion schedule sent daily by their traffic and billing department. LO comercials are notoriously inconsistent when they start and stop as they are cued by tones from the satellites and last until the T&B schedule *thinks* they should end. Furthermore, LO commercials are stored and played back from either 1/2" or 3/4 VTR decks (old-n-busted) or by digital insertion systems (new-hotness). In either case, the tapes are remastered to the cableco's preferred format or encoded on commercial MPEG-2 gear and stored on VOD servers built for this purpose (e.g. SeaChange). This process would require every underpaid tech at every headend to get it right every single time. They don't.

D*TV and Dish subscibers have it somewhat better but inconsistencies still occur.

IIRC, this has been discussed here before in greater detail with a good number of pro's and con's.


[1] Who am I kidding? A perect world would have no commercials at all.
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