Sorry if this is a repost... having problems getting posts in:

I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that I'm NTSC and I'm trying to record using 720x480. Why would I do that? Because I can burn directly to DVD without transcoding. What's happening is that intermittently during playback of 720x480 my colors go all green/purple and/or the image widens way past the left side of the screen and shifts so there's a little black on the right. I can get the colors back with ivtvctl by shifting the 0x6c register and I can get the screen to shift to the right so it's centered but I can't get it to size the image properly. It's almost like it's changing the aspect ratio. I've tried John Harvey's new X driver by using ivtv drivers newer than 0.3.2b but I can't get them to work (I may need a firmware upgrade). I get no device found error when starting x but no errors from ivtv in messages. Here's my current thread on knoppmyth's site if you want more info on my setup:
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