On Apr 12, 2005 1:06 PM, Ramon Redondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you read elsewhere in this thread (although not in the many lines
> you quoted in your short reply), commercial breaks can easily be
> longer or shorter on different affiliates of the same network.
> Here's a relevant quote from Meatwad:
> > In a perfect world, all of the commercial breaks would all happen at the
> > same time. Everywhere.
> > In reality, they do not. Every master cable headend follows a local
> > origination commercial insertion schedule sent daily by their traffic
> > and billing department.

I think this would probably still give you enough to create a cut-list
that you could share.  You'd have the show, the time it aired and the
cable feed ( as defined by xmltv ).

Even if the cutlist was only used as another data point for commflag. 
This would reduce the effect of cutlist poisoning.
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