I'm having some odd channel changing behavior and I'm not sure if it was caused by a recent mythtv CVS build I did or maybe a lib upgrade. Channel changing used to work fine. I did a CVS build of mythtv and the 1.0 of libiec61884 on the 12th.

It used to be when it came time for a program to be recorded 6200ch would be called with the channel number, the channel would change, and all was well. Now when it's time to record a program the numbers on the 6200's display change briefly to the numbers of the channel being changed to, so it appears that the channel will be changed, but it doesn't actually change the channel. Running 6200ch manually does change the channel no problem. mythtv-setup has /usr/local/bin/6200ch for the remote channel changing command so that's all good.

I noticed that when manually inputting numbers on the remote to change the channel you have to put in three numbers for it to change without having to press the enter button. For example, if you wanted to change to channel 3 without pressing 3 -> enter you would have to press 0 -> 0 -> 3. It doesn't seem like that would be a problem since I can run '6200ch 3' and the channel changes. Strange.

Any ideas?

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