On 4/12/2005 6:53 PM, Bryan Brannigan wrote:

Does anyone know if this patch was included in the .17 release?

Looks like no-one else has replied yet, so I'll answer this part. I
have good news and bad news. The bad news is mythmusic doesn't support
native ALSA. The good news is there is a patch available to do it (see:
http://www.wildgooses.com/downloads/mythmusic_audio2.tar.gz ). You will
need to be running the current CVS in order to use it though. Hopefully
it will be added to the current CVS soon. I am using it and it works
for me.

Yes, it is in the 0.17 release.

It was committed Jan 26th, 2005.


HDTV frontend I'm working on (new picture of back, mythmon source)

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