Allan Stirling wrote:

Larry Symms wrote:

You might be able to fake that you have all the old recordings by manipulating the database. Is it worth it? Probably not. You're better off going through mythweb and setting all season 1 Battlestar's to not record (great series BTW). You can go as far into the future as you have data for (for me that's 10 days).

I only want to record the new battlestar galactica series.  Is there a
way I can specify this in myth?  Essential, I want to record all
battlestar galactica playing at anytime on channel scifi.  When I
tried this, I kept getting the old series recorded as well.

Growf. Top posting.

Anyway, I think the OP may have been referring to the old BSG - The original series. Which aired for quite some time, so adding all those might be time consuming.



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