> So, I would take this idea to suggest a podcast aggregator plugin for
> Myth, or more likely just an extension to mythmusic to grab down shows
> by monitoring RSS 2.0 XML feeds.

By the way, MythStream already support podcast feed downloading and
playing within mythtv.

But... what kind of 'podcasts' would the *average* PVR user really
want to listen to?

I've read some sites talking about "the future" of watching TV
remotely with friends and family, but I can't see how time shifting
and local differences in broadcasts and commerical timing would ever
make this useful.

Then, I thought about, "what about a MST3K type 'directors' narration'
by random users?"

Would I fire up audio commentary from some random person while I watch
TV? Probably not. A friend/family member/celebrity? Maybe... but the
again, there are the issues of audio mixing and recording and audio
time sync. How do you sync audio to a mythtv recording that could have
started sooner or later, or been transcoded/cut? Seems nearly
impossible to easily sync up to me (but I welcome anyone to prove me
otherwise :).

So, that leaves me with "brief audio reviews" of episodes or movies. I
*WOULD* be interested in having the option to listen to selections of
30 to 60 seconds of downloadable audio review and be willing to rate
the review with the 0-9 buttons on the remote during the review, and I
*might* be willing to submit my own audio review after watching shows
if a MIC was handy...

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