On 4/16/05, Howard Cokl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Brad Templeton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a users forum, if you want to close it down
> then do so, but if you don't then expect any question
> or comment like when will it be ported to win 3.11.  I
> am a long time linux user and am so tired of RTFM and
> other responses that don't give an answer and curtly
> say that the questioner has "no clue, search the
> archives".  If you know the answer then be polite and
> give the answer and nudge the archives, if you don't,
> shut the hell up.  If you are a developer and someone
> asks a stupid question or a comment that you don't
> like then either answer with grace or again shut up.
> If you want to act like 'it's my ball and I'll go
> home' then do so.  As a developer that is your right,
> I like myth, but if people are intimidated to make
> comments or ask questions then this list is a waste of
> bandwidth.  Grow up, or at least learn some social
> skills.  I doubt that many of the rude, curt responses
> I've seen would have happened if the people were in
> the same room.

The post you're replying to really didn't have anything to do with
asking questions so I'm not sure why you're blowing a gasket here
about that particular topic.  I can only assume you have some deep
rooted anger issues so I'll be *extra* nice so the veins in your
forehead will stop throbbing.
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