thanks for the quick reply and the help.  I took your advice and did the
"Delete from videometadata" manually (mysql told me 30 records were
deleted). Then I tried to access the video listings via mythweb (this
also caused thrashing before...).  Now, Mythweb responds very quickly
and informs me (as expected) that there are no videos to list.  Looks
like we are on the right track.  I will try the rescan of the directory
in a kids are watching the TV now, so I can't get my hands on
it to mess with it.  thanks again for the help.


Robert Johnston wrote:

>On 4/16/05, Dean Vanden Heuvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have been using Mythtv for over a year now, and I have never done much
>>with Mythvideo.  In fact, I had mapped the video directory to be the
>>same as that used for recordings.  When I would enter mythvideo, the
>>display would show many videos, with long indecipherable names...the
>>names that Myth gives to its recordings.
>>Today, I remapped the directory to a new dir, and dropped an "avi" file
>>into it.  When I tried to enter mythvideo to see the listing, it took
>>many minutes before the screen appeared...then there were no listings.
>>My CPU is very busy during the wait, and using another networked
>>computer, I ran "top" and learned that it is Mysql that seems to be
>>thrashing for some time.
>>I have searched the list here for some advice, but I haven't found
>>anything quite the same.  Any ideas as to what might be causing the problem?
>Of course.
>MythVideo is trying to find all those video files that used to be in
>the directory.
>Make sure you go into Settings/Utilities -> Video Manager first, which
>will rescan the videos directory and make the necessary updates to the
>MythVideo tables.
>It might be worth doing a "Delete from videometadata" in MySQL to kill
>all that old data before getting MythVideo to scan the new directory.
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