In MythWeb on the "Recorded Programs" page, the "Show Recordings"
pulldown has some kind of escaping bug that my meager PHP-fu can't
figure out how to fix.

Most of it is fine. But if I try to select "Late Night with Conan
O'Brien", the pulldown fails, and the webpage kicks me back out to the
"All Recordings" choice.

I suspect there is something being incorrectly done with the
apostrophe character (a "special" character in SQL).

Could be, but they're compared in php, not in SQL. Anyway, if you could do me a favor and add this between lines 80 and 81 of recorded_programs.php:

debug($_GET['title'].' != '.$record[0]);

then mail me off-list with the debug printout of the stuff relating to Late Night.

Also, do you use recording groups? I don't mess with these, so haven't been able to test that code, either (perhaps it's somehow interfering?).

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