Hi all.

Based on the responses to my "why bother?" message, I spent some more
time on the script. It is now, hopefully, quite functional; I've
attached a copy to this to this message and is also at:


As far as I can tell, it should be a drop in replacement for the one I
took off the mailing list in November 2004. Sadly my myth setup is
screwed currently, so I can't test it fully with myth itself...

You'll have to --configure first; you can select multiple 'services'
(say 'free' and 'foxtel') and subscribe to a subset of the channels to
avoid downloading stuff you don't require. Regions are probed from the
NMSN website so any region on the website should work out of the box.
Well, hopefully.

I haven't had time to really grapple with all the channel ids to make
them consistent with the new RFC; the script will create vaguely
plausible ones for channels not listed at the end of the script. Any
help or advice here welcomed. At the end of the day, I only need the
free channels in Canberra (and note that Nine MSN changed their channels
names for Canberra recently), so I'm not sure I'll worry about it
greatly unless someone cares at all...

Please let me know how you go if you give it a shot.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

# --- new NMSN Australian TV grabber by Michael 'Immir' Smith...
# --- $Id: tv_grab_au,v 1.18 2005/04/19 13:05:54 mythtv Exp $
# A current version of this script should usually be available here:
#   <http://immir.com/tv_grab_au>
# pod documentation coming shortly...
# in brief:   --configure        configuration
#             --list-channels    show subscribed channels and xmltvids
#             --slow             download a page for each show for details
#             --days <n>         days to grab
#             --output <file>    xml file for output

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Date::Manip;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;

use XMLTV;
use XMLTV::Ask;
use XMLTV::ProgressBar;
use XMLTV::Config_file;

# --- global parameters
my $conf;           # configuration parameters

my $channels;       # ref to hash of subscribed channel names to xmltvids
my %chanid;         # mapping from lowercase channel name to xmltv channel id

my $lang = "en";
my $spoofMSID = 1;  # spoof random MSIDs to avoid redirects?
my $output_dir = "/var/local/tv_grab_au";
my $cache_file = "$output_dir/cached.pl";

# --- various NMSN site URLs
my $NMSN       = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au";;
my $GUIDE      = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/guide";;
my $DETAILS    = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/closeup/default.asp";;
my $TVTODAY    = "http://tvguide.ninemsn.com.au/todaytv/default.asp";;

my ($Revision)   = '$Revision: 1.18 $' =~ /Revision:\s*(\S+)/;
my $debug = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent   = 1;

# --- Command-line options
my $opt_configfile;
my $opt_configure;
my $opt_output = "$output_dir/guide.xml";
my $opt_gui = 1;
my $opt_slow = 0;
my $opt_list_channels;
my $opt_days = 5;

GetOptions( 'days=i'          => \$opt_days,
            'list-channels'   => \$opt_list_channels,
            'output=s'        => \$opt_output,
            'config-file=s'   => \$opt_configfile,
            'configure'       => \$opt_configure,
            'gui=s'           => \$opt_gui,
            'slow'            => \$opt_slow,
            'debug'           => \$debug );


my $config_file = XMLTV::Config_file::filename
  ($opt_configfile, 'tv_grab_au', not $debug );

# --- read and parse configuration --- must do this before configuring
# in case the user has chosen non-default xmltvids for some channels...
if (-r $config_file) {
  local (@ARGV, $/) = ($config_file, undef);
  no warnings 'all';
  eval <>;
  die "error in conf file: $@" if $@ and not $opt_configure;
  print "unable to read configuration file... continuing configuring..." if $@;

# --- extract sorted subscribed channel list from config-file hash;
# also compute canonicalised lowercased channel to xmltvid hash
%chanid = map { lc $_, $channels->{$_} } keys %$channels;

# --- are we configuring?
if ($opt_configure) { configure($config_file), exit 0 }

# --- are we just listing channels?
if ($opt_list_channels) {
  print "    $_ -> $channels->{$_}\n" for sort keys %$channels;
  exit 0;

# --- we must be grabbing program information...

my $runtime = time();

# whether we get individual program details (follow closeup pids)
my $slow = $opt_slow || $conf->{slow};

if ($debug) {
  print "tv_grab_au revision $Revision\n";
  print "configuration:\n";
  print "    TZ = $conf->{TZ}  slow = $conf->{slow}\n";
  print "    services:\n";
  for my $service (@{$conf->{services}}) {
    print "        $service->{name}: " .
      " region=$service->{region} id=$service->{regionid}\n";
  print "channel list:\n";
  print "    $_ -> $channels->{$_}\n" for keys %$channels;
  print "\n";

print fixplural("grabbing $opt_days days into $opt_output\n");

# --- first get list of shows seen last time
my ($cached, $newcache);
if (-r $cache_file) {
  local (@ARGV, $/) = ($cache_file, undef);
  no warnings 'all';
  eval <>;
  die "$@" if $@;

# --- now get the shows...
my @shows;
for my $day (0 .. $opt_days-1) {

  my $date = Ymd(DateCalc("today", "+ $day days"));
  my $date6am = ParseDate("6am $date");

  for my $service (@{$conf->{services}}) {

    my $guidedata = get_guide_page($service, dmY($date6am)) or next;
    my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($guidedata);

    for ($tree->look_down('_tag' => 'table', 'class' => 'tv')) {

      # extract channel names from the first row of the table 
      # (this row has align=middle and the channels are in bold)
      my @hdr = map { $_->as_text }
        $_->look_down('_tag' => 'tr', 'align' => 'middle')
          ->look_down('_tag' => 'b');

      my @span = (0) x @hdr;    # rowspans to infer columns
      my $row = 0;              # row number (to compute start times)

      for ($_->look_down('_tag' => 'tr', 'valign' => 'top')) {
        my @idx = grep { $span[$_] == 0 } 0..$#hdr; # columns for this row
        for ($_->look_down('_tag' => 'td', 'class' => 'tv')) {

          my $col = shift @idx;
          my $rowspan = $_->attr("rowspan") || 1;
          $span[$col] = $rowspan;

          my $channel = $hdr[$col];
          next unless $chanid{lc $channel}; # not grabbing this channel

          my ($e) = $_->content_list;
          next unless ref($e) eq 'HTML::Element';
          next unless $e->tag eq 'a';

          my ($pid) = $e->as_HTML =~ /pid=(\d+)/;
          next if $pid == 0;    # null programme at bottom of table
          my $title = $e->as_text();

          # --- check (pid, row, rowspan, title) against old data
          my $cache_id = "$date:$pid:$row:$rowspan:$title";
          if ($cached->{$cache_id}) {
            print "CACHED($cache_id)\n" if $debug;
            $newcache->{$cache_id} = $cached->{$cache_id};
            push @shows, $cached->{$cache_id};
          print "NEW/CHANGED($cache_id)\n" if $debug;

          # --- compute start and stop times based on row of table and
          # rowspan --- although this appears problematic for some days
          my $start;
          $title =~ s/(\d):(\d)(am|pm)/$1:0$2$3/;
          if ($title =~ s/\s* \[ ((\d+:\d+) \s* (am|pm)) \] \s* //x) {
            $start = ParseDate("$1 $date");
          } else {
            $start = DateCalc($date6am, ($row*5) . " minutes");
          my $stop  = DateCalc($start, ($rowspan*5) . " minutes");

          ($start .= " $conf->{TZ}") =~ tr/://d;
          ($stop  .= " $conf->{TZ}") =~ tr/://d;

          my $show = { 'title'   => [[$title, $lang]],
                       'start'   => $start,
                       'stop'    => $stop,
                       'channel' => $chanid{lc $channel} };

          # --- fill in more details? ---
          get_closeup_details($show,$pid) if $slow; 

          # --- that's it!
          push @shows, $show;
          $newcache->{$cache_id} = $show;
          print Dumper($show) if $debug;
        ++ $row;
        @span = map { $_ - 1} @span; # update rowspan counts

# --- now write to xml
print "writing xml\n";

my %writer_args = ( encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' );
if ($opt_output) {
  my $fh = new IO::File(">$opt_output")  or die "can't open $opt_output: $!";
  $writer_args{OUTPUT} = $fh;

my $writer = new XMLTV::Writer(%writer_args);

  ( { 'source-info-url'    => $NMSN,
      'source-info-name'   => "NMSN TV Guide",
      'generator-info-name' => "XMLTV - tv_grab_au NMSN v$Revision"} );
$writer->write_channel( { 'display-name' => [[$_, $lang]],
                          'id' => $chanid{lc $_} } ) for sort keys %$channels;

$writer->write_programme($_) for @shows;


# --- save seen data
$cached = $newcache;
open(CACHE, "> $cache_file") or die "cannot open $cache_file: $!";
print CACHE Data::Dumper->Dump([$cached], ["cached"]);
close CACHE;

# --- report runtime
$runtime = time() - $runtime;
my $min = int($runtime / 60);
my $sec = $runtime % 60;
printf "tv_grab_au: finished in %d:%d\n", $min, $sec;

exit 0; # Game over, man!

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- subroutines

# --- get details from the closeup page for given show
sub get_closeup_details {

  my $show  = shift;
  my $pid   = shift;
  my $title = $show->{title}->[0]->[0];
  my $date  = Ymd($show->{start});

  my $details = get_details_page($pid) or return;

  # --- use HTML::TreeBuilder to parse the details from the page...

  my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($details);

  # --- the details are in a two row table: first row is the header
  # ('Time', 'Program'), second row is the body of the table containing
  # the information we want.

  my ($hd,$bd) = $tree->look_down
    ('_tag' => 'table', 'borderColor' => '#003366')->content_list();

  # --- sanity check the header row
  die "the HTML format of the program details page has changed"
    unless $hd->as_text =~ /Time .* Program/x;

  # --- remove breaks and "revert" some markup to simplify parsing
  $_->delete for $bd->look_down('_tag' => 'br');
  $_->replace_with_content for $bd->look_down('_tag' => qr/^(b|font)$/);

  # --- extract (text) content lists of the 2 row cells
  my @td;
  for ($bd->look_down('_tag' => 'table')) {
    push @td, grep { not ref($_) } $_->content_list
      for $_->look_down('_tag' => 'td');

  # --- clean fields up a little
  s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g, s/\((.*?)\)/$1/g for @td;

  # --- Here's an example of the contents of @td at this point:
  # ("7:00 pm", "Southern Cross TEN Capital", "The All Time Greatest
  # Simpsons", "- Cape Feare", "30 mins , Rated: PG", "Genre:",
  # "Cartoon", "Sideshow Bob terrorises Bart after he is paroled
  # from prison.", "" )

  my ($start_time, $channel,
      $title1, $title2, $genre, $desc) = @td[0,1,2,3,6,7];
  my ($duration, $rating) = (split(/\s*,\s*/, $td[4]), "", "");

  # --- is this a channel we know about? is it consistent with the guide?
  $channel = $chanid{lc $channel}; # -- convert to xmltv channel id
  die "channel mismatch for show: $title" unless $channel eq $show->{channel};

  # --- now clean up a few things
  $title2 =~ s/^\s*-\s*//;
  $rating =~ s/Rated:\s*//;
  $duration =~ s/mins/minutes/;

  # --- compute start and stop times
  my $start = ParseDate("$start_time $date");
  $start = DateCalc($start, "+ 1 day") if $start_time =~ /^0?[0-5]:.. am/;
  my $stop = DateCalc($start, "+ $duration");

  # --- append timezone and strip colons
  ($start .= " $conf->{TZ}") =~ tr/://d;
  ($stop  .= " $conf->{TZ}") =~ tr/://d;

  $show->{'title'}     = [[$title1, $lang]];
  $show->{'start'}     = $start;
  $show->{'stop'}      = $stop;
  $show->{'sub-title'} = [[$title2, $lang]]   if $title2;
  $show->{'desc'}      = [[$desc,   $lang]]   if $desc;
  $show->{'category'}  = [[$genre,  $lang]]   if $genre;


# --- configure: query for region, services, and channels and write config
sub configure {

  my $config_file = shift;
  my $date = dmY("today");

  my $firstpage;


  # --- extract user's ids for channels (if there were any in
  # the config file), add the defaults then clear the channels hash
  $chanid{lc $_} = $channels->{$_} for keys %$channels;
  for (channel_mappings()) {
    my ($name, $id) = / \s* (.+?) \s* : \s* (\S+) /x or next;
    $chanid{lc $name} = $id unless $chanid{lc $name}; # use user's if defined
  $channels = {};
  $conf = {};

  # --- get timezone
  $conf->{TZ} = ask("Please enter your timezone offset (default '+1000') :");
  $conf->{TZ} = '+1000' unless $conf->{TZ} =~ /^ \s* \+\d\d\d\d \s* $/x;

  my @channellist;

  # --- now find list of services - note that this appears to be invariant,
  # so perhaps we should always offer the same list and skip the get?
    my %servicenames = ( free => 1);
    $firstpage = with_progress("getting list of services",
                               sub { get_page("$TVTODAY?channel=free") });
    ++$servicenames{$1} while $firstpage =~ /channel=(\w+)/g;
    my @choices = sort keys %servicenames;
    my @flag = ask_many_boolean
      (0, map { "Grab listings for $_ channels" } @choices);

    for (0..$#choices) {
      next unless $flag[$_];
      push @{$conf->{services}}, { name => $choices[$_] };

    # --- now loop over services; find region/regionid and list of
    # channels
    for my $service (@{$conf->{services}}) {
      my ($page, $base);

      if ($service->{name} eq 'free') {
        # --- get list of regions
        my %region;
        my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($firstpage);
        for ($tree->look_down('_tag' => 'select', 'name' => 'region')) {
          for ($_->look_down('_tag' => 'option')) {
            $region{$_->as_text()} = $_->attr('value');
        my @choices = sort keys %region;
          = ask_choice("Select your region for free channels",
                       $choices[0], @choices);
        $service->{regionid} = $region{$service->{region}};
        $page = with_progress
          ( "getting list of channels free service in " . 
            "$service->{region}", sub { get_guide_page($service, $date) } );

      } else {

        # --- find regionid for service
        ($page, $base) = with_progress
          ( "getting regionid and channels for service $service->{name}",
            sub { get_content_base("$TVTODAY?channel=$service->{name}") } );
        $service->{region} = "Australia";
          = $base =~ /_(\d+).asp/ or die "cannot find regionid";
        # page now has channel list too
      # --- now append channels for this service
      my %skip;

      # --- find the channels
      my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($page);
      for ($tree->look_down('_tag' => 'table', 'class' => 'tv',
                            'width' => '100%') # only one table of this type
           ->look_down('_tag' => 'tr')   # ..first row has channels
           ->look_down('_tag' => 'b')) {       # ..in bold tags
        my $channel = $_->as_text;
        push @channellist, $channel;
        unless ($chanid{lc $channel}) { # check/define xmltvid
          my $id = lc($channel);
          $id =~ s/( ^\s+ | \s+$ | \W )//gx;
          $id .= ".$service->{name}.au"; # e.g., "foxtel.au", "free.au"
          print "Warning, unknown channel '$channel', using '$id' as id\n";
          $chanid{lc $channel} = $id;

  my @select = ask_many_boolean
    (1, map { "subscribe to channel $_  ->  $chanid{lc $_}" } @channellist);
  for (0..$#channellist) {
    next unless $select[$_];
    my $name = $channellist[$_];
    $channels->{$name} = $chanid{lc $name};

  my @channels = sort keys %$channels;

  # --- does the user want the slow option turned on by default?
  $conf->{slow} =
    ask_boolean("Show descriptions, ratings, genres and more accurate\n" .
                "time information is available by downloading individual\n" .
                "pages for each show, but this takes a lot longer\n\n" .
                "Do you want this (--slow) option to be on by default?");

  # --- report configuration and ask for confirmation
  my $channel_count = @channels;
  my $services_info;
  for my $service (@{$conf->{services}}) {
    $services_info .= "service: name=$service->{name}, " .
      " region=$service->{region} (id=$service->{regionid})\n";

  die "aborting configuration" unless
    ask_boolean( "Please confirm the following configuration:\n" .
                 "  TZ = $conf->{TZ}\n" .
                 "  $services_info\n" .
                 "  ($channel_count subscribed channels)\n\n" .
                 "[ use the '--list-channels' option for the\n" .
                 "  xmltvids to use in mythtvsetup ]\n\n" .
                 " Continue?\n");

  # --- open config file and write the configuration
  -d dirname($config_file) or mkdir dirname($config_file)
    or die "cannot create directory for $config_file: $!";

  # --- dump as perl code using Data::Dumper
  open(CONF, ">$config_file") or die "cannot write to $config_file: $!";
  print CONF Data::Dumper->Dump([$conf, $channels], ["conf", "channels"]);
  close CONF;

  print "wrote config_file: $config_file\n";

# --- we can avoid redirections by spoofing random MSIDs in the URLs
use Digest::MD5 qw{md5_hex};
sub MSID { $spoofMSID ? "&MSID=" . md5_hex(rand) : "" }

# --- get NMSN guide for given date (perversely "ddmmYYYY")
sub get_guide_page {
  my $service = shift;
  my $date = shift;
  my $url = "$GUIDE/${date}_$service->{regionid}.asp?"
    . "channel=$service->{name}" . MSID();
  print "GET_GUIDE_PAGE($url)\n" if $debug;
  my $page = get_page($url) or
    print "Warning: Failed to get program listing for day $date\n";
  return $page;

# --- get NMSN program details for given pid
sub get_details_page {
  my $pid = shift;
  my $url = "$DETAILS?pid=$pid" . MSID();
  print "GET_DETAILS_PAGE($url)\n" if $debug;
  my $page = get_page($url) or
    print "Warning: Failed to get program details for pid $pid\n";
  return $page;

# --- get a page
sub get_page {
  my $url = shift;
  my $page = (get_content_base($url))[0];
  $page =~ s/&nbsp;/ /g;
  return $page;

# --- get a page and its base (and report all redirections if debugging)
my $ua;
sub get_content_base {
  my $url = shift;
  $ua or $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new, $ua->timeout(30);
  my $response = $ua->get($url);
  die "error reading page $url" unless $response->is_success;
  if ($debug and (my $r = $response)->previous) {
    print "GET_CONTENT_BASE redirection backtrace:\n";
    while ($r) { print "    ", $r->base, "\n"; $r = $r->previous }
  return $response->content, $response->base;

# --- show a progress message during call to code (given by closure)
sub with_progress {
  my ($message, $sub) = @_;
  my $bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar($message, 1);
  my @results = $sub->();
  $bar->update, short_pause(), $bar->finish;
  return wantarray ? @results : $results[0];

sub short_pause { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.33) }

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- misc/pedantic stuff...

sub fixplural {
  local $_ = shift;
  s/(\d+) (\s+) (\w+)s (\s)/$1 . $2 . $3 . ($1==1?"":"s") . $4/xe;

sub Ymd { UnixDate($_[0], "%Y%m%d") or die "problem in Ymd($_[0])" }
sub dmY { UnixDate($_[0], "%d%m%Y") or die "problem in dmY($_[0])" }

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- here is default the channel list... comments welcome :-)

sub channel_mappings {
  return grep ! /^#/, split "\n", qq{

    # --- Free channels
    ABC NSW                      : nsw.abc.gov.au
    ABC QLD                      : qld.abc.gov.au
    ABC TAS                      : tas.abc.gov.au
    ABC ACT                      : act.abc.gov.au
    ABC2                         : abc2.abc.gov.au

    Channel Seven Sydney         : sydney.seven.com.au
    Channel Seven Queensland     : queensland.seven.com.au
    Prime Southern               : southern.prime.com.au

    SBS Sydney                   : sydney.sbs.com.au
    SBS Queensland               : queensland.sbs.com.au
    SBS News                     : news.sbs.com.au
    SBS EASTERN                  : eastern.sbs.com.au

    Network TEN Sydney           : sydney.ten.com.au
    Southern Cross TEN Capital    : capital.southerncrossten.com.au
    Southern Cross TEN Queensland : queensland.southerncrossten.com.au

    Channel Nine Sydney          : sydney.nine.com.au
    WIN Television NSW           : nsw.win.com.au
    WIN Television QLD           : qld.win.com.au

    # --- Foxtel

    Arena TV                     : arena.foxtel.com.au
    BBC World                    : bbcworld.foxtel.com.au
    Cartoon Network              : cartoon.foxtel.com.au
    Channel [V]                  : v.foxtel.com.au
    CNBC                         : cnbc.foxtel.com.au
    CNN                          : cnn.foxtel.com.au
    Discovery Channel            : discovery.foxtel.com.au
    FOX News                     : foxnews.foxtel.com.au
    FOX8                         : fox8.foxtel.com.au
    MAX                          : max.foxtel.com.au
    National Geographic Channel  : natgeo.foxtel.com.au
    Nickelodeon                  : nickelodeon.foxtel.com.au
    Showtime                     : showtime.foxtel.com.au
    Showtime 2                   : showtime2.foxtel.com.au
    Sky News                     : skynews.foxtel.com.au
    TV1                          : tv1.foxtel.com.au
    UKTV                         : uktv.foxtel.com.au
    World Movies                 : worldmovies.foxtel.com.au

    A1                           : a1.foxtel.com.au
    ACC                          : acc.foxtel.com.au
    ADULTS ONLY                  : adultsonly.foxtel.com.au
    ANIMAL PLANET                : animalplanet.foxtel.com.au
    ANTENNA PACIFIC              : antennapacific.foxtel.com.au
    ARENA+2                      : arena2.foxtel.com.au
    AURORA                       : aurora.foxtel.com.au
    BLOOMBERG                    : bloomberg.foxtel.com.au
    BOOMERANG                    : boomerang.foxtel.com.au
    CLUB [V]                     : clubv.foxtel.com.au
    CMC                          : cmc.foxtel.com.au
    CRIME & INVESTIGATION NETWORK : crime.foxtel.com.au
    DISCOVERY HEALTH             : health.discovery.foxtel.com.au
    DISCOVERY SCIENCE            : science.discovery.foxtel.com.au
    DISCOVERY TRAVEL & ADVENTURE : travel.discovery.foxtel.com.au
    DISNEY CHANNEL               : disney.foxtel.com.au
    E!                           : e.foxtel.com.au
    ESPN                         : espn.foxtel.com.au
    EUROSPORT NEWS               : eurosportnews.foxtel.com.au
    FOOD                         : food.foxtel.com.au
    FOX CLASSICS                 : classics.foxtel.com.au
    FOX CLASSICS+2               : classics2.foxtel.com.au
    FOX SPORTS 1                 : sports1.foxtel.com.au
    FOX SPORTS 2                 : sports2.foxtel.com.au
    FOX8+2                       : fox82.foxtel.com.au
    FTV                          : ftv.foxtel.com.au
    FUEL                         : fuel.foxtel.com.au
    HALLMARK CHANNEL             : hallmark.foxtel.com.au
    HOW TO                       : howto.foxtel.com.au
    MAIN EVENT                   : mainevent.foxtel.com.au
    MOVIE EXTRA                  : movieextra.foxtel.com.au
    MOVIE GREATS                 : moviegreats.foxtel.com.au
    MOVIE ONE                    : movieone.foxtel.com.au
    MOVIE ONE TAKE 2             : movieonetake2.foxtel.com.au
    MTV                          : mtv.foxtel.com.au
    NICK JNR                     : nickjnr.foxtel.com.au
    OVATION                      : ovation.foxtel.com.au
    RAI INTERNATIONAL            : rai.foxtel.com.au
    SHOWTIME GREATS              : showtimegreats.foxtel.com.au
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