On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 12:55:09PM -0400, James Armstrong wrote:
> David Shay wrote:
> >I have some HDTV-capable frontends and some non-HDTV capable frontends.  I
> >would like to setup a "record all showings on this channel" entry for a
> >series, one for the HD channel and one for the SD channel, thereby getting
> >two non-duplicated versions of every episode, one in HD and one in SD.  
> >When
> >I try to do this, however, and if I use "subtitle and description" 
> >duplicate
> >detection, I continually have to force episodes to be recorded.  Am I doing
> >something wrong or is this not currently possible without overrides?
> >
> I used to do this when we first got HD and the signal was not very 
> strong. I turned off the duplicate detection and it would record both at 
> the same time.

Or you could write a script to transcode/down-rez the HD version and
keep it in videos.   It will look much better than any version recorded
off something like a pvr-250, and may look better than a version recorded
off the SDTV digital subchannel, if that's what you are doing.

(In theory, you could record both the high def and SD subchannel that
many stations commonly put in the same major channel, with just one tuner.
However, that's very much "in theory." with Myth right now.)
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