On Apr 19, 2005, at 4:50 PM, Michael Carland wrote:

What interrupts are your ethernet and video on? (cat /proc/interrupts)

CPU0 0: 1301531405 XT-PIC timer 1: 9328 XT-PIC i8042 2: 0 XT-PIC cascade 5: 2 XT-PIC uhci_hcd, ohci1394 7: 0 XT-PIC parport0 8: 1 XT-PIC rtc 9: 0 XT-PIC acpi 10: 2023409 XT-PIC uhci_hcd, VIA8233 11: 126010154 XT-PIC uhci_hcd, eth0, ehci_hcd, [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:0:0 12: 66 XT-PIC i8042 14: 784337 XT-PIC ide0 NMI: 0 LOC: 0 ERR: 0 MIS: 0

What kernel version are you using? (I'm at 2.6.10)

2.6.9-chw-4 // this is from a hacked-up Knoppmyth install

Are you using the "VIA Rhine" ethernet driver? The "Use MMIO instead of PIO" option? (I'm going to try turning off MMIO now)

Yes, I'm using Via-Rhine, in the default config. I've been having some trouble with it on my backend (an Epox 8K9A7) but it seems to be fine on the frontend.

Any other suggestions?

Well, I'm booting from CF and mounting /usr and the MythVideo library over nfs, but streaming actual TV playback. Haven't had too much trouble, except for that pesky backend NIC issue and the occasional FC3 vs ivtv IRQ storm. The frontend has been pleasantly uneccentric.

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