
Post your xorg.conf ...

I fought through a similar problem and it seems to be related to the
TV refresh settings in xorg.conf clashing with what the Xv driver
thinks the hardware can do.

For me this only occurred on the 1920 wide HDTV, i.e. WB locally here
in Houston, but I had exactly the same symptons, and no one seemed to
be able to help.

I found that using a better set of values in xorg.conf fixed it.

My posted xorg.conf is on my blog at


On 4/20/05, Mat Kyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a few odd problem that I haven not been able to figure out while
> watching HDTV. I searched the archive, but nothing seemed to match. So if
> these have already been answered, I apoligize.
> Incase any of this helps: I am running myth 0.17, using Knoppmyth R5A12, and
> using pcHDTV-3000 for OTA HDTV, a Celeron 2.4 Ghz, Sound Blaster Live! 5.1
> and a nVidia FX 5200.
> The first problem concerns the way the recorded program shows up on my
> screen. When I watch a program recorded on NBC, WB, or CBS, The image
> dosen't display properly on the screen. The picture is shifted to the right,
> and about 1/3 of the picture is cut off. Just to be clear, I am not talking
> about overscan.  For example,  if [-XXX-] is what is supposed to be
> displayed on my screen , and [     ] is my screen, I end up with this
> displayed: [ -XX]X-
> I can use the manual zoom option to move the picture around until it is
> watchable, but it is not exactly convienant. I think it might have something
> to do with the fact that these stations bordcast in 1080i and because I use
> DVI, I can only display 720p.
> The second problem involves "noise" in the picture or sound channels
> missing.  For example, If I recorded Scrubs, and then immediatly after and
> on the same channel, another episode of Scrubs, The first one will come out
> fine, but the second one will have Matrix-styled green and grey blocks that
> randomly scroll through the screen and eventually making it unwatchable.
> For an example of the audio problem, I recorded The Office last night, and
> while the picture was fine, half way through the opening credits, the audio
> became distorted. If I turned the volume WAY up, I could hear the background
> noise, (people typing, and phones ringing, etc) but no dialog.  Then
> Immediatly afterwards I recorded Medium flawlessly. I'm stumped. Any help or
> inputs would be appreciated.  -Mat
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