Hello, all.

I've been trying for several weeks to get Myth running on the Epia M10000 

I've tried Fedora core 3 with the Unichrome drivers mentioned at Jarod's 
Guide. I've tried Gentoo with various howtos. I've tried Knoppmyth and 

I keep running into a situation where everything seems to be working fine, 
except that live TV or viewing a recording under Myth shows only a blank, 
light blue screen. Note: This isn't a hang -- the system responds and goes 
back to the menu when you press Escape -- but there's nothing visible except 
the blue blankness, or blank blueness.

I've seen references on this list to this problem on this list, and also over 
on the Knoppmyth forum, but I've never seen where anyone who has had this 
problem has fixed it. Anyone?

Tony Rein
mythtv-users mailing list

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