Ah this could be it, thanks

Neale Swinnerton wrote:
You know that from 0.18 the configure script only does processor
optimisation with --enable-proc-opt, right?

also the ebuild in portage disables mmx, which isn't good. This is
probably because the author of the ebuild was having problems building
with aggressive CFLAGS.

Try editing the ebuild to re-enable mmx and use --enable-proc-opt,


Bryan Halter wrote:
Has anyone else seen this, I have an Athlon XP 2500+ with 512MB of RAM
and an ATI TV wonder tuner.  After installing mythtv 0.18 today I'm
getting 100% CPU load all the time, recording or not where previously I
had gotten ~ 60% while recording.  The log doesn't show anything
insightful.  I'm also using Gentoo 2005.0 in case that is of use.

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