
I have been having odd problems when updating mythtv. It has occured atleast in
2 of the last update .. .017.X and 0.18.

I have pvr 250 and FC3. I am not able to use atrpms kernel 2.6.10-770
at all. Atleast with
the newest mythtv. I am using mythtv 0.17.20050130-1 and kernel 2.6.10-1.737_FC3
and everything works fine.

But when I do apt-get upgrade and run mythtvsetup, everything goes
totally wrong.
in 737 kernel, live tv is distorted, only some pictures from different
channels and no
sound at all. it is really psychedelic. In 770 kernel, live tv is
black and no sound.
everything is slow and I think ivtv might not work there either, but I
cannot be sure
since when I put my original mythtv version back to use, everything
works fine with
737 kernel. I have not tried with new kernel and old mythtv.

Anybody else have these difficulties ?
Any ideas what could be done to make this work ?

- McIne -
mythtv-users mailing list

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