Josh Burks wrote:

On 4/22/05, Fa Yoeu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tivo has a neat logo for their product. I believe that mythtv should
also have a logo. I am wondering if anyone wants to help fund a
competition about developing a logo for myth. I know that I would
donate a couple bucks to fund that competition and have a neat logo
associated with this great project.

Once the logo is finalized, a case badge would be nice as well. I'd love to show off my mythbox with a cool badge on the front.

I think a pchdtv 3000 card or a PVR-500 would make a nice prize... (me
fires up the gimp)

mythtv-users mailing list

Why the funding? We don't kick the devs a new computer every time they release an update (though some deserve it). If you want to change the logo, go ahead, and submit it to the dev list and see what they say.

John Sturgeon <><

mythtv-users mailing list

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