On 4/26/05, John Patrick Poet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Nate Thompson wrote:
> > I finally got around to ordering a VGA->Component adapter which arrived
> > yesterday afternoon. After some issues getting Windows to work properly, I
> > was able to generate a pretty good 960x540p modeline for my Philips
> > PW8402/37 30" WS television. While it seems to work pretty well, I have
> > noticed that there is about a 15 pixel overscan on both the top and bottom
> > of the screen. This doesn't impact video playback that much, but it does cut
> > off some of the menu/onscreen display writings. After going back and reading
> > Jarod's HDTV guide (which was a big help!), it looks like I should look into
> > creating another modeline that runs a different resolution within in the 540
> > timing that I created. Unfortunately, the guide doesn't go into exactly how
> > to accomplish this (atleast that I can find). Can someone give me a couple
> > pointers? My hardware and generated modeline are included below.
> >
> > Also, has anyone tried to use XVMC with Xine? Does it work, and is there any
> > benefit? While I do not have a HD3000/Air2PC card at the moment, I do have a
> > couple HD .TS files that I'd like to try and playback. With standard
> > settings, I can play them back, but there are frequent drops in both audio
> > and video.
> >
> > MythTV Specs:
> > AMD Athlon XP2500
> > Chaintech 7NIF2 (output via onboard GF4MX440)
> > 512MB RAM
> > Running latest FC3/Nvidia/ALSA/MythTV from atrpms.net
> >
> > Generated modeline:
> > "960x540" 40.982 960 992 1088 1216 540 541 544 560 +hsync +vsync
> >
> > Thanks for any tips,
> >
> > Nate Thompson
> >
> >
> I believe Jarod lists a modeline for "888x508" which works well for him.
> I personally use:
> ModeLine "888x500p" 37.26 888 964 996  1104 500 522 528 563 +hsync +vsync
> Which is 888x500 inside of a 960x540 mode.
> This may also help you:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/76858?search_string=modeline;#76858
> John

Thanks for the tips and the thread... I will check it out as soon as I
have a free moment. I guess what I don't understand is what makes the
custom mode inside of another one... Looking at the example on Jarod's
site, I can't seem to find a pattern between the 960x540p one he
created, and the 880x480p one that is "inside" the 540p one. I'm sure
I'm just not thinking about it in the right way.

Hopefully that thread will shed some light on that for me.

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