Here is my status so far....
After I rebooted I got the JVC_RAW (can't find
remoted.conf) problem resolved.  I learned after I
changed it, I had to kill remoted and then restart it.
If I run one of the remotes config files I dont get
any errors at all, but nothing happens on the box.    
Before I was using the JVC_RAW (raw codes, which looks
VERY different than anything I see in the remotes
pre-made config files).  
The error I am getting with that is this:
 transmission failed
removed client
accepted new client on /dev/remoted
too short gap: 100000

I have tried the JVC_4700, and the Dishnetwork 301
one, but again they look completely different than the
RAW codes one that was working.   I tried to change
the gap to like 20000 or 6200 (seen from other config
files) but they still dont do anything.

One thing that I did in my original setup was to
change my dishnetwork receiver to address 9.   

Thanks again  

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