On 4/27/05, Mitko Haralanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 09:30:16 +0100
> Mike Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've just tried to run apt-get this morning and ran into this problem. 
> > Anyone
> > else got this?
> I get the same thing, although I have myththemes-0.18-103.at installed.
> --
> Mitko Haralanov
> voidtrance at comcast dot net
> http://voidtrance.home.comcast.net
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I believe I removed mythtv-suite-18 rpm, then that issue goes
away....but wait, its not over yet. this crops up:


so be patient, I bet Axel isn't sleeping or eating until this is fixed.
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