On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 02:27:27PM -0400, Byron Poland wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm curious is anyone is using wireless (assume 802.11g) to connect a
> HD capable front end to a backend.

People have tried G and dual speed G (Whatever manufactureres want to
call it). Noone has been able to get it to work perfectly all the time.
Reasons it's hard:

* 1080i is 19.6Mb/s of bandwidth, then you have to add network headers on
  top of that.  
* G is about 27Mb/s _max_ you could ever hope to get from 54Mb wireless
* Add a single wall to the path and you're bandwidth is under 20Mb/s easily
* Cordless phone on 2.4ghz will kill your bandwidth when it's used
  (Including even if it's neighbor 300 feet away)
* Neighbors wireless AP will lessen your bandwidth
* If your frontend tries to do much on the network, your
  video will stutter.
* If you have other systems on the AP, that will really cause your
  frontend to stutter.

That's what I'm aware of.

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