On 28 Apr 2005 at 9:45, Tom Lichti wrote:

> I just found this cable: 
> http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=173735&CatId=0
> Do you think there is any chance it would work out of the box? I'm 
> thinking no, but it's almost worth trying.

You can build your own cable, or buy this one (or others) but it's 
just a cable. This means that the video card must be capable of 
outputting the signal as a component signal. Any ATI Radeon 8500 
or above has the hardware to do this, and I think the 6-series 
nVidia cards can as well. In Windows with a Radeon it only takes 
a registry entry to enable it if you're using late-ish drivers. I'd 
assume one could do something similar with the nVidias under 
Windows. However I doubt if the Linux drivers for ATI or nVidia have this 

> Could I hurt anything by  using it?

Well, you can't just plug it in and expect it to work. It won't, and 
you could damage your TV. But if the drivers will output 
component signals AND you create the proper modelines, then no, 
it won't hurt a thing, it'll just work.

The big "if" is the Linux drivers, and I dunno enough about them to say. 
Someone else, maybe?

Marvin Match
mythtv-users mailing list

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