Loren H. Burlingame wrote:
ok, I have read the docs and skimmed the mailing list archive but am
not really finding what I am looking for which probably means I am
doing something obviously wrong.

Anyway, my question is about setting up a slave backend. I set up the
slave to point to the master mysql db (which works, I have tested it
from the command line) as well as setting the IP of the master backend
in the setup.

According to the doc, I am to skip the video sources setup, which I
did, but now I don't have any video sources to bind to an input on the

If you've set the mysql.txt file on the slave host with the parameters for the master backend and the mysqld accepts network connections and has a user account entry for the remote mythtv connection, then you would see your existing Video Sources when you run mythtv-setup from the slave host.

Check that you can connect with:

 mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv -hmasterhostname mythconverg

If it doesn't connect, check the network options in my.cnf on
the master.  it connect but does not accept the user,  GRANT the
user permissions.

When that works, check your mysql.txt file especially:

 str DBHostName=masterhostname

--  bjm

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