Lee wrote:
Having just got my new MythTV install running nicely, I'd like to integrate my (old style) Windows MCE remote into the set up. I've googled for ages and there are lot's of people that seem to have got it working (include Jarod), but I can't find any how-to's or crib sheets. Being a total Linux noob, this leave me at a loss, can anyone point me in the right direction?

All I ever needed to do is extract the file lircd.conf.mceusb from the /remotes directory in the lirc source tarball to /etc and rename it lircd.conf

There should be no reason to compile lirc from source to use the remote and receiver if have installed lirc from a binary package (eg. followed Jarod's guide). It just not intuitive what needs to be done to get it working.

For the finishing touches, open your lircrc file in ~/.mythtv (or wherever it may reside on your particular boxen) and season to taste. Don't forget to make a symlink /home/<homedir>/.lircrc from your real lircrc file because mplayer and xine expect to see it there. NOTE: the symlink is a hidden file whereas the one myth expects is not.

Credits go to Dan Conti of this august list for authoring the conf file. NOTE: Dan's conf only works for the original USB receivers, not the ones that shipped after November '04. Read here for that discussion: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=6130396&forum_id=5339

If you want to run xine rather than mplayer, you'll need to append an additional section of keymappings in ~/.mythtv/lircrc (or wherever). If you already have xine installed, just issue...

$ xine --keymap=lirc

...and you'll have an exhaustive list of mappings straight from xine.


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