On Sunday 01 May 2005 18:41, Donavan Stanley wrote:
> > The main advantages would be:
> > 1. Not relying on an external program (irxevent).
> > 2. When using irxevent, I think that only one program,
> > the one with focus can receive the keyboard commands.
> > When using native lirc mode, the keyboard command is
> > directed to the correct application.
> Except that neither is really a downside since you already have
> irxevent if you have lirc. Andhow often do you want a keypress to go
> to something other than the main window?
> The advantages of NOT using native lirc are:
> 1. You can use any app that accepts keyboard input without having to
> worry about it supporting lirc.
> 2. You can tie scripts to remote keys.

I already know that I need to be able to control xine as well as mythtv with 
the remote if it is to be useful.  I gather from Donavan's comments that I 
can't have normal lirc running to control xine at the same time as mythtv 
native lirc to control mythtv?

To control two apps you either need to hope/ensure that xine and mythtv use 
the same keys for the same type of activity (which they don't by default)?

In addition, I need to find a trick so that my left and right button do "left" 
and "right" in the EPG but increase and decrease volume when watching TV (at 
least as long as I can find a way to make [ & ] have an impact on the volume 
(capture) whcih they don't at present).

Well, i suppose you could call it a challenge!

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