Before everyone else jumps in saying "You shouldn't have given up..."
let me just say, I did the same thing and got the same results.

I went from an Epia MII-10k to a mATX nForce-3 board w/ a Sempron 2600,
and I am much happier as well.  Like you said, all the extra horsepower
means that XvMC is easy to ignore.  I still use my PVR-250 to record
into MPEG-2, but I then transcode down to MPEG-4.  I set the original
recording bitrate super-high to get the maximum quality on original
recording, then transcode down to much lower settings.  I end up with a
slightly better picture than just watching the cable directly through
the TV, and a _MUCH_ better picture than I ever saw on the Epia, with or
without XvMC.  I still get the odd prebuffering pause, but not nearly as
bad as before.  Plus, if I ever decide to take the HDTV dive, there's a
possibility, assuming I can get Nvidia's XvMC working.

Too bad that right after I made the switch, my HDD died on me.  I'm
eagerly awaiting the replacement so I can get back to exploring all the
neat stuff that a stable, high-horsepower platform can offer!


P.S. Even though I failed with my Epia, I still would like to thank all
the people at the Unichrome project for all their help and hard work.
Without their support, I probably would have smashed my Epia to pieces,
instead of giving up peacefully and selling it off.
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