On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 03:48:42PM -0700, Alan Hagge wrote:
> Axel Thimm wrote:
> >>/ If you want it, you'll need to recompile from the srpms and pass in
> />>/ additional options with the --with flag (I haven't done this myself
> />>/ with the rpms, so I'm not sure what the options are).  You may need
> />>/ to "rpm -ivh" the ...src.rpm file and check the spec file in
> />>/ /usr/src/redhat/SPECS to figure out the options & syntax.  I don't
> />>/ think Axel documented the options in the package info (yet.
> />>/ Hopefully soon...).
> /
> >What is there to document? The plugins have no build options and
> >mythtv's build options are quite self-explaining (or do
> This is fine for you and me, who know how to extract and look at the 
> spec file, but for a newbie who just wants to recompile with specific 
> options, I think it would be nicer for them if they could just "rpm -qpi 
> <package>.src.rpm" and have the description field print out the 
> available --with and --without options along with a brief description of 
> their function.  Then the user could recompile with "rpmbuild --rebuild 
> <--with-or-without-options> <package>.src.rpm".  That way (s)he never 
> has to install the rpm, nor know where the spec file resides & how to 
> look at it.

Hm, I tend to think that someone who wants to rebuild from source
(what rebuilding a src.rpm is) should be able to find the specfile and
look into it. As trivial as rebuilding can be, if you start to do so,
it means you have a good reason, and that you need to check why the
standard build isn't adequate.

> I use it 'cause I can never remember if the packager put the package
> together using "--with-alsa" or "--without-alsa", etc.  And you may
> set your defaults one way and another packager may set them
> differently.
> Matthias Saou over at FreshRPMS does this with most of his source RPMS 
> and I find it very useful.  But its only a suggestion from a user to 
> take or leave as you see fit.

I don't disagree, suggestions are better backed up with patches, though ;)

> BTW, _shouldn't_ the plugins have build options (since the plugins 
> themselves do, such as OpenGL, festival, etc.)?

Perhaps, if the aim is to still support old distros, but I don't know
whether that is wanted under mythtv. I'm more for removing
unnesseccary options, e.g. options that no user will ever sanely have
to change. At the very end this seems to be used by less than 1% of
mythtv users.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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