On 5/4/2005 1:47 PM, Christopher David Petersen wrote:

The recently formed PoORMUG (Portland, OR MythTV Users Group) just had a project to show the status of multiple backend on up to 8 LEDs on multiple front-ends. It's called MythLEDd and I'm the primary developer. Basically, the software runs as root on all your backends.

Sounds nice, but why does it need to run on each backend?

It can monitor free disk space, EPG data remaining, tuner status (in-use or free), and job status (mythtranscode, mythcommflag, etc).

Sounds a lot like the LED box that James and I developed (except for the job status).

The program gets its settings from 4 new tables (which will soon be controlled via MythWeb), and stores the results of it's analysis in another new table (the led_status table).

Why would you need new database tables. I haven't looked into the job status, but all the other things are easily retrieved through the backend protocol. The guide data status has been in there since Isaac accepted my patch adding it to the backend server.

The program can also be run on a front-end, where it reads the status information from the status table and controls the 8 LEDs connected to the parallel port. The hardware costs about $10 at RadioShack, and the software is free.
I currently have MythLEDd running on my combined backend/frontend controlling 3 LEDs. Red means tuner one is recording, green means the machine is either transcoding or commercial flagging, blinking yellow means low disk space, and solid yellow means low EPG data.

Hmm, same here. Actually I use bicolor LEDs for each of the 8 tuners (green=tuner available but not recording, red=tuner recording, off=no tuner or tuner error), and have a system status light that comes on if guide data < 7 days or will flash on low disk space or guide data < 3 days. I almost forgot, there is also a buzzer inside that will start beeping if communications with the backend are lost. The tuner LEDs do support tuners on slave backends.

Check out the link in my sig for pictures of the LEDs and the source code for the monitor program which runs on the frontend (and doesn't require any database or backend changes).

Of course, the OP was asking for something simple... oops :-)


HDTV frontend I'm working on (pictures, mythmon source)

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